Welcome to Mercado Templario, the internets most iconic Templar shop!
We are a specialized shop dedicated to serving the members of recognized Templar organizations worldwide.
The owner is an official and ordained Knight of the Order of the Temple of Jerusalem and an affluent member of the Templar community. To add, Mercado Templario was also created to take back power on the online landscape when it comes to merchandise being sold under the Templar name and banner. Unaffiliated people have been discovered exploiting the Templar name by selling branded merchandise to the public and also to ordained and certified members of the Order. Mercado Templario is the vacuum-seal to bring that money back around to us, in an appropriate manner, and by a person who isn’t operating to simply expoit you for profits.
Mercado Templario is a spiritually special, for-profit, business. The reason being, is because, Mercado Templario, was created and being operated as a means of permanent fundraising for OTJ, specifically to be able to donate funds to pay for their charitable activities. 33% of all net profits is donated to the Grand Priory of Canada, 10% of the 33% is sent up to the Grand Administration of OTJ. It is in hopes that the monies donated to the Grand Priory and the Grand Administration, will be used for the continued financial support of charity works and to further the Order in todays modern world.
Mercado Templario is under the ownership of the Knight Steven Arsenio of the Grand Priory of Canada. Mercado Templario is solely owned and operated by Steven. The Grand Priory of Canada, The Grand Administration and/or OTJ as a whole, is not a business and does not operate as one, hence, they have no holdings or interest in ownership or operations of this enterprise. Any and all donations is out of the goodness of the hearts of the current ownership, and by all the beautiful people that contribute by making purchases via Mercado Templario, of which 33% of the profits from their orders will be going to.
Furthermore, Mercado Templario is currently in the process of developing a means of a way to be able to offer ordained Knights and above, of recognized Templar Orders, of which whom are crafts people and artisans, to be able to sell their goods and products on the Mercado Templario platform/website/shop. This is something never done in modern times and this is simply something than cannot be accomplished by unaffiliated/uncertified individuals, making this the most authentic Templar shop available on the Internet, and very possibly, in the whole world.
Mercado Templario, brought to you by an authentic Templar, for all Templars and supporters world-wide.